
What are the payment options?

The following payment options are currently available:

  1. Bank Transfer/TT/SWIFT Transfer
  2. Wise/Revolut/Remitly and similar services
  3. Western Union (bank transfer only, no cash pick-up)

You can also use our Wise affiliate link to receive your first transfer free for amounts up to $500.

Note: You may use any payment service that can send funds directly to our bank account. Many countries offer services similar to Wise, Remitly, or Revolut. 

What are the payment terms?

We require a 50% deposit to start processing your order, while the balance + shipping fee when the goods are ready. Note, we will not dispatch the goods until 100% payment is made. 

What currencies you accept?

We accept the following currencies: 

  • USD
  • HKD
  • KRW (Korean cosmetics & food orders only)
  • JPY (Japanese cosmetics orders only)
  • PHP  (Philippines orders only)

Who will bear the payment transfer charges?

The Customer has to pay the transfer fee while we only count the net amount we received. Please make sure to remind your bank to transfer us the net amount and add charges to your account. 

You may consider paying via Wise/transferwise and get your first transfer free of up to $500 using our affiliate link

How to save payment transfer fees?

We offer multiple payment options, such as Bank Transfer, PayPal, Transferwise, Western Union, and MoneyGram. Although using the following options, you could save on transfer fees. 


Transferwise is the best alternative to Bank Transfer where you pay them in your local currency within your country, and they help you to send money to our bank accounts overseas. They offer fairly good exchange rates and cost much lesser compared to the Banks.

When you sign up using our affiliate link with Transferwise, you get a Free First Transfer of up to £500.

Put up a Deposit:    

You may consider paying us a bigger deposit in one shot and keep this amount as credit and use it for your future orders if you are planning to order regularly. Sending money each time will cost a lot of transfer fees. Rest assured, your funds are very safe with us and we are accountable for every single penny that belongs to you.

In how many days I must pay for my order?

You must settle your deposit within 10days or else your order might be deleted. In case of final payment, you must pay within 5days or else warehousing fee based on per carton/day will be charged. If you have any problem with payment, please discuss it with us, and we can accommodate. 

What is my wallet?

My wallet under the account dashboard is a place where you can see:

  • Your cash balance.
  • Record of all payments received from you.
  • Record of all payments used for your orders, either as deposits, final payments, or others.
  • You can change your points to cash by clicking on the "Topup Wallet" button on the top right. 

What if I do not settle the final payment?

You are obliged to settle your final payment as soon as possible once the final invoice has been issued. We will store your parcel for 1 weeks without any charge, but afterwards, you have to pay warehousing fees on a daily basis. In the worst case, if you did not pay in 2 months' time, your goods will be sold at a discounted price and our funds will be redeemed. You will not be able to get any refund. 

Who will shoulder the transfer fee in case of order refund?

In case of out-of-stock or other issues, you need to refund the order, we strongly recommend keeping the funds as credit and using them for another order anytime in the future. In the worst case you want to refund, the transfer fee will be on your shoulders. We will refund the exact amount we received regardless of the net amount you will receive after any transfer charges by the banks or PayPal. All USD or HKD payments will be refunded via PayPal only. 

Dispute handling.

In case of any dispute about products, payment, shipping or others, you must contact us to report and discuss the dispute within 3months of transaction time. Afterward, all transactions are assumed to be settled and any dispute will not be entertained.